Наставник (59654)

если средь ночи выйти и орать Россия вперёёёд, НАТО не пройдёт Путин с нами, Крым наш,шо будет?

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Мудрец (21537)
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Специалист (842)
"USA-backed intelligence services infiltrated the USSR back in the 1960s, resulting in communist party functionaries to capitulate to the international capitalist cabal via the implementation of revisionist economic reforms, infiltration of the communist party with capitalist and fascist sympathizers who eventually gained footing in securing power for themselves; not including actions the least of which resulted in the stagnation the technological development of the Soviet Union's advancement in central economic planning via the use of Soviet domestic computer technology and consequent interconnected networks which would have enabled far more efficient economic planning in contrast to the extant, rank-and-file, immensely bureaucratic centralized planning system that materialized in the post-Stalin era during the period of "de-Stalinization" sought by Khrushchev's succeeding entourage of revisionist dopplegangers that illegitimately gained power in the power struggle that promulgated following Stalin's death in 1953.

These revisionist parasitical cliques in the elite ranks of the communist party implemented various reforms that resembled capitalistic, market-style privatization and decentralization of the Soviet economy, causing it to slow down significantly in economic growth, eventually leading to stagnation after short-lived growth during Khrushchev's and Brehznev's rule occuring between the middle of the 1950s and early 1970s.

The final blow was dealt when Mikhail Gorbachev, a Western-backed puppet who had successfully entered the upper ranks of the CPSU was chosen to head the party and thus the nation as the General Secretary of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1985, who was only about to begin dismantling entirely the Soviet socialist system the proletariat had spent decades constructing and fought two World Wars and a Civil War in the first half of the twentieth century to secure and maintain; alas, the reforms were passed and ultimately led to the destruction of the country and its economy and was subsequently plundered by the West after its productive assets had been exhausted by foreign capitalists during the Perestroika period and following the illegal dissolution of the USSR in 1991."
Верховный Наставник (121736)
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Хранитель Истины (259114)
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